
Dear Prospective Member:

Welcome and thank you for your interest in Blue Sky Aviation Association. This introductory letter is intended to give you a general overview of what Blue Sky is all about, and to guide you through the application process.

Blue Sky Aviation is a member-owned club. In other words, we, the members, own a share of all the Blue Sky assets, which include 3 airplanes, that we “rent” from ourselves. The “rental” fees, (hourly rates) and the monthly dues all serve to directly offset the cost of flying. The club itself makes no profit from these charges. All monies collected are for the maintaining and upgrade of our aircraft, and for the general operation of the organization. Blue Sky is strictly a volunteer organization and no officer or member receives any compensation for services volunteered to the organization.

Blue Sky Aviation Association is dedicated to safe and affordable flying for the enjoyment, pleasure, and education of its members. We encourage members to fly together and learn about flying from each other as well as from instructors. Learning about flying as a member of Blue Sky comes from more than just acting as PIC. Attendance at meetings and other Blue Sky events such as our two Wash & Waxes per year offer an education in aviation to the members as pilots as well as that of being airplane owners. We also hold an annual dinner at a banquet hall, which serves as a great opportunity to socialize with fellow member/pilots.

In order for Blue Sky to continue to operate successfully we must continue to add quality members to our organization. What Blue Sky looks for in a new member is for an individual that wishes to perpetuate his or her love of flying and the desire to assist in the continued success of the organization. Put simply: Blue Sky provides safe and affordable flying for its members. The Members must provide for Blue Sky. Without the members “providing” there is no Blue Sky.

How, as a new member, is this accomplished?

  1. 1. The first year of your membership is a probationary year. This is outlined in section 6.2 of the Operating Instructions.
  2. 2. Each month you will receive a bill. This bill will contain a detail of your expenses. All flight fees, the monthly dues and any other charges that you would owe. Your responsibility is to pay this bill upon receipt. The Operating Instructions mandate the use of Email Payment Process for members joining the club or members reactivating their inactive status after March 01, 2018.
  3. 3. Each month there is a monthly meeting. Attendance at these meetings is not mandatory; however, attendance and participation at these meetings will educate you as to how the club operates and how you may be able to assist. There is often a safety briefing on an important topic given by one of the members.
  4. 4. We have 2 wash and waxes per year. This is all done voluntarily and saves the club money and allows us all to closely inspect our airplanes. It also affords us another opportunity to get to know one another.

How to Join Blue Sky Aviation Association:

The first step is attending a regular meeting. By attending the meeting you will get a sense of what the club is all about. This will be helpful in deciding if joining is right for you. Review the club’s By-Laws and Operating Procedures found on this website. These two documents explain the day-to-day operation and use of our airplanes and what is expected of you as a member.

To apply for membership, fill out the Membership Application Form below. You will be contacted shortly thereafter. You may also wish to print your filled out form, before submitting the form, and bring it to our next monthly meeting.

Prior to attending the next monthly meeting, please first read:

New Member Briefing – Appendix B

    • When you attend the next monthly meeting, please bring with you:
      1. The completed Membership Application
      2. Your Log Book
      3. Pilot’s license
      4. Current Medical

At this meeting you will present this material to the Board. The Board will then interview you. Within a week of the meeting, a member of the Board will contact you. The Board member will inform you of the Board’s decision. If your application to Blue Sky is accepted, the board member will make an appointment to meet with you at the airport. At that time the bond and initiation fee must be paid in full. Also, at that time, you will be given a one-on-one orientation into the club, as well as the keys to the planes. At this point you are a member of Blue Sky Aviation Association. Your first month’s bill will be a pro-rated share of the monthly dues based on the day of the month in which you became a member.

Once Again, thank you for your Interest.


Executive Board of Blue Sky Aviation Association
Blue Sky Aviation Association

    Blue Sky Aviation Association
    PO Box 106
    Readington, NJ 08870-0106

    Applicant Name (required):

    Spouse/Domestic Partner:

    Home Street Address:

    Home City:

    Home State (2 character):

    Home Zip Code:

    Mobile Phone Number:

    Home Phone Number:

    Work Phone Number:

    Your Email (required):

    Alternate Email:

    Pilot Certificate #:


    Date of Biennial Flight Review:

    Medical Date:

    Medical Class:

    Date of Birth:



    Total Time:

    Cessna 172 Last 90 Days:
    Cessna 172 Total Time:
    Cessna 182 Last 90 Days:
    Cessna 182 Total Time:
    Piper Dakota PA28-236 Last 90 Days:
    Piper Dakota PA28-236 Total Time:

    High Performance Time Last 90 Days:
    High Performance Time Total:

    Glass Panel Time Last 90 Days:
    Glass Panel Time Total:

    P.I.C. Time:

    List aircraft in which you are current:

    1. Do you have any physical impairments, waivers or conditions attached to your medical certificate (required)?

    2. Has your FAA certificate ever been revoked (required)?

    3. Have you ever been cited for any violations of FAA regulations (required)?

    4. Have you ever been involved in any aircraft accidents (required)?

    5. Check below if you have ever been convicted or plead guilty:
    drunken drivinga felony

    If YES to any of the above 5 bullets, explain:

    How did you hear about Blue Sky?

    As a potential member, you agree to:
    1. Be interviewed by the board of directors.
    2. Present a current Medical, BFR, Pilots License, and Logbook.
    3. Pay the applicable Initiation Fee and Bond.
    4. Be on probation for one year.

    I certify that the above information is correct. I also certify that I have read and understood both the By Laws and the Operating Instructions of the Blue Sky Aviation Association and will abide by them should I be accepted as a member of the Blue Sky Aviation Association.

